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New OCD Treatment in Savannah

The field of mental health treatment has expanded greatly in the last ten years. Innovative new mental health treatments are popping up all the time, and treating your own personal mental health disorder is becoming further and further desensitized. OCD is one of the top 20 causes of illness-related disability, and in the United States, about 1 in 40 adults and 1 in 100 children have OCD. The first step to finding treatment for your OCD is to understand and learn more about your own mental health condition.


Ketamine, which some doctors are calling the biggest breakthrough in depression treatment in fifty years, is able to provide relief from the symptoms of OCD within minutes, rather than the weeks a typical antidepressant may take. If you or a loved one is suffering from OCD, please call us today to help determine if Ketamine infusion can help you find relief.

​How Does Ketamine for OCD Work?

Exactly how Ketamine treats OCD and other mental health disorders is still being researched. The current understanding is that Ketamine binds to receptors in the brain and helps increase the amount of glutamate (a neurotransmitter) that is released. This will then set off a chain of reactions within the brain that affects thinking and emotional regulation.


To put this in simpler terms, the brain reacts to Ketamine in a way that triggers hormones that help create more positive emotions. This can occur within minutes after a person receives their infusion, but some people may need several treatments before they experience the highest level of benefits.

OCD Causes & Prevention Tips


The exact cause of OCD still isn’t fully understood by science. Some theories include:

  •  Biology. OCD may simply be a result of changes in your body or brain’s chemistry.

  •  Genetics. While OCD may have a genetic component, specific genes have yet to be identified.


There is no surefire way to prevent OCD. Getting treatment as soon as possible can help prevent OCD from worsening and negatively affecting your life. Some people with previously treatment-resistant OCD have experienced great success with the advent of Ketamine Infusions, an innovative new treatment option.


Learn how Ketamine Infusion Therapy is helping people just like you regain control of their life. We invite you to schedule a free consultation to see if Ketamine treatment is the right option for you.

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What Are The 5 Subtypes Of OCD?

Although OCD symptoms generally fall into one of these five subtypes, it is possible to experience a change in the nature and focus of your symptoms over time.

 Contamination Obsessions with Washing/Cleaning: Those suffering from this symptom subtype will usually focus on feelings of discomfort associated with germs/contamination, and will wash and clean excessively.

 Harm Obsessions with Checking Compulsions: Those experiencing this symptom subtype will often have intense thoughts regarding possible harm, either to themselves or others, and will use checking rituals to relieve their distress.

 Obsessions Without Visible Compulsions: Those experiencing this symptom subtype will often have unwanted obsessions regarding sexual, religious, or aggressive themes. Triggers related to these obsessions are usually avoided at all costs.

 Symmetry Obsessions with Ordering, Arranging and Counting Compulsions: Those suffering from this symptom subtype may feel a strong need to rearrange objects constantly. It can also involve thinking or saying sentences or words over and over again until one feels it has been accomplished perfectly.

 Hoarding: This symptom subtype involves the collection of items of little or no value until one’s living space is consumed with so much clutter it becomes difficult to live in. This is often accompanied by obsessive fears of losing items that one feels may be needed one day.

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